The Future Princes Risborough North Signal Box
The Future As recently as 2012 the signal box was on the edge of being declared unsafe and a threat to the very railway it had been built to protect. Had it been deemed so, then all traces of it would have been long gone by now, irrespective of it being Grade II listed. Now we have turned the corner and the box is once again structurally sound and its condition improving with every passing weekend, we need not only to have regard for the past but also to look to the future. Our aim from the onset was to restore the building to its former glory and get the signalling equipment working, to be able to use it both operationally to control trains on the Chinnor & Princes Risborough Railway and also to open it to visitors as an example of our railway heritage. Our plan is to restore the signal box to its post-1958 condition. Why 1958? It was that year when British Railways carried out a full refit of the box which included installing the lever frame that is still there today and some of the other kit from that time survives. Availability of authentic British Railways signalling equipment pre 1958 is virtually non-existant (or certainly not at prices we could hope to afford). Another important factor was that by 1958 the thunderbox toilet had demised and the inside loo had been installed! The following pages set out our aims and ambitions in the two areas of signalling and demonstrations. We have no rigid timeframe and whether some of the longer term ideas come to fruition is uncertain as external factors can and do change, resulting in many plans needing to be revised. The rather turbulent year of 2020 was a very good example of this. Our signal box serves the Chinnor & Princes Risborough Railway and its heritage train operations. From its humble start over 3 decades ago, the railway is still growing and its plans have a direct bearing on not only what equipment we install in the box but also on the resources and manpower available. The latter two are of course the two main shortages on any volunteer run, charitable organisation and ours is no exception so if you haven’t already, please visit our appeal page (link below) if you can help this wonderful piece of railway history have a more secure future. Thank you.
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